Beispielplatzierung OTTO-Newslettera

Newsletter at OTTO

Take advantage of our wide-reaching OTTO newsletter.

The OTTO newsletter is sent to customers who are interested in designated assortments on Wednesdays and Sundays, offering you the ideal platform to strategically show your products and brand.

With a reach of up to 6 million recipients and an open rate of up to 30%, the OTTO newsletter is one of the most effective ways to directly target your audience.

All recipients of the OTTO newsletter have provided GDPR-compliant double-opt-in permission – allowing you to engage up to 1 million relevant recipients per assortment. Through direct links to your products, you can actively support the purchase decisions of this valuable, purchase-ready audience.

Mehr Reichweite

High Reach

Mehr Reichweite

Reach up to 1 million assortment-affine customers and increase your brand awareness.

Geringer Streuverlust

Low Wastage

Geringer Streuverlust

Leverage targeted distribution to directly reach your relevant audience.

Direkte Verlinkung

Direct Linking

Direkte Verlinkung

Support the purchase decision with a link to your product range.

Hohe Interaktionsrate

High Engagement

Hohe Interaktionsrate

Benefit from an open rate of up to 30% and a click rate of up to 1.6%.

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